FaceFancy—Face swap video

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SZYJ Technology
100% Free
Sep 4, 2022
44.26 MB

FaceFancy is an app including face change,age change,gender change,portrait matting,animation, photo restoration.You can swap your face for anothers on the picture just with one photo.Don’t judge face-change technology,it can make your face-change dream become ture.

【Face Swap】
You can find two forms for face change:picture facechange,video face change.You can swap your face for another person’s face in the picture or video.It can let you be here and find your different styles.

【Age Swap】
Do you want to back to the old days?FaceFancy can turn your time back into your youth or old age on the picture.You may see your grimace in youth and the time you get older,that sounds great.Image one day your hommies look your age-change photo,they will be surprised at that:”What a grumpy old man””who is the lovely girl,she looks adorable.”

【Gender Swap】
Most people who don’t have twin brother or sister always image they will have,or they always image what he or she look like if they change their gender.Facefancy can help you realize your dream.You can make Gender change on FaceFancy just with one photo(Of crouse gender change on the photo).

【Portrait Matting】
Facefancy is also applied in portrait matting, with complete functions.

FaceFancy can help you make your anime photos,you can upload your photo to FaceFancy and you will get your animes photos for a short time.

【Photo Enhancer】
FaceFancy Can help blurred old photos become clearer,and let you see your happy times on the past.

If you have any question,you can email:ZSYJ_Tech@outlook.com.

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